50 years ago, when DDT was used to kill mosquitoes, and dead birds were found in our yards, Rachel Carson, a scientist, biologist, and writer changed history--her book-
 "Silent Spring" predicted that, used unwisely or improperly, DDT and similar chemicals would be very devastating to our world.  "Spring would come," she wrote, "but without the glorious song of birds."  As a result of her book, a new awareness stirred the public and over the years environmental protection has become a continual concern....today over 100 manufacturers have Green Cleaning products and the demand continues to climb.


About Us


I started my cleaning career when I built my first Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Machine in 1977.  With a business that primarily focused on residential, we were instantly successful in our community using that machine. 


We then began operating commercial cleaning corporation's for over 30 years.  We have cleaned everything from residential homes & small offices, to large retail corporations, factories, processing plants, and restaurant chains.  We have done post construction cleanup, as well as apartment complex turnover and maintenance.  Also we have experience in landscaping maintenance and site cleanup. We have maintained the floors of large grocery stores and car dealerships.  Yes, we have done it all!

We have customers that have been with us for 30 years .........that is a testament to customer satisfaction!


With our cleaning business now owned
by our son & his wife
, I pursued one of my wife's dreams, and opened an Art Gallery and Frame Shop....We had retail stores on Bearskin Neck in Rockport, MA---as well as Faneuil Hall in Boston.  We refurbished an old victorian house in Fitchburg, Ma and opened "The Janeece Gallery".


Then tragedy struck our child. You can read about our brave daughter and our journey with her on her own webpage-Michal's Story.


With my wife caring for our daughter full time, my wife put her artwork on the internet.  You can now visit Janeece Original Prints at

...we closed our gallery, and I went back to the cleaning

Being ever concious of the toxic effect of extended use of chemicals in cleaning on our customers and employees and environment, we always tried to use products with the least impact.  There was always the complaint that they didn't clean well enough or smell "clean".  Yes, we had all become accustomed to the strong fragrances and harsh chemical odors......

The Green Movement

Now there are products, with regulatory standards, that truly clean as well and leave your environment smelling fresh---without the negative impact on our environment and our health.

With our daughter in mind, and the protection of our customers, employees, and ecology- we started this business . . .

Cleaner with Green

Check out our services-

You can trust our experience and responsiblity to providing professional care of your facility or home.

We are fully bonded and insured.

Contact us:  Keith Chesbrough

Email: cleanerwithgreen@gmail.com

Phone: 978-855-2094